Saturday, March 13, 2010

ClickBucks.. Good or Bad?

I just want to give you a little more information on the ClickBucks aspect of SFI.  While it IS one of your gateways to signing up new SFI affiliates, remember that it is actually a 'generic' gateway.  This means that everyone you sponsor through your ClickBucks URL will NOT necessarily be put in your downline.

Affiliates generated via the ClickBucks program do NOT enter the downline of the person who generated them. Rather, all ClickBucks-generated affiliates flow into the EyeEarn Co-op and are equally and randomly dispersed to affiliates participating in the EyeEarn Co-op.

Now, if you actively participate in the EyeEarn Co-op, then you may see some of your referrals spill-over into your downline, however remember that if you want to recruite personal referrals, it is better to use your SFI portal which would look like: .

To YOUR Success,
Carrie Medford
Aim High - Dream Big Team Leader

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What's So Great About IAHBE?

The International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs's mission statement is:
  • To empower home-based entrepreneurs, worldwide, with the information, tools, and resources to achieve maximum success.
  • To be the #1 advocate and champion for the home-business lifestyle.
  • To educate the public about the manifold ways that working from home can make the world a better place.
  • To make a difference.

 And in my opinion, they accomplish just that.
Here are some of the benefits of becoming a member of the IAHBE:
  1. As an SFI Affiliate, your monthly membership in the IAHBE will ensure that you have achieved EA status every single month and that you will receive the benefits thereof.
  2. You will have access to innumerable amounts of information on how to succeed at becoming a successful home business entrepreneur.
  3. You will receive over $1000 in bonuses in your Intro Pak.
  4. You will have access to over 500 informative articles and reports written by world-recognized experts in all aspects of running a successful home business right at your fingertips!
  5. More audio, video and other digital content than you will know what to do with!
  6. Product reviews of online tools and popular books that will help you grow in your busines ventures.
  7. Advertising advice
  8. Freebies & Special Offers
  9. Subscriptions to top business magazines including Fast Company, Inc., Entrepreneur, and others. Each month of your membership features a new magazine!
  10. A new best-selling book every month!
And much, much more!

IAHBE is an invaluable resource for your home business.

I, personally have learned so much! From blogging, to advertising, to self-improvement and right thinking. I have found nothing that hasn't enhanced my personal experience with being a home business owner, but only what has helped me improve my networking and business owning skills.
To YOUR Success,
Carrie Medford
Aim High - Dream Big Team Leader

How To Never Spend A Dime With SFI

Although the quickest way to promote yourself to Executive Affiliate with SFI would be to purchase an International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs Membership, ensuring your monthly EA status and all the benefits thereof, you MAY, with time and persistance become an Executive Affiliate for free.

By utilizing the free advertising methods referred to in the SFI Marketing Index, you can put yourself in contact with people who are not affiliated with SFI. You are able to earn commissions on customer sales and affiliate overrides before you have become an EA. Since your affiliate ID is embedded in your banners and other advertising methods, you can actually earn money with SFI without spending a dime out-of-pocket!

For information on where to advertise, I highly recommend asking your Sponsor for their advice on what has worked for them and join safelists, traffic exchanges and text ad exchanges using their affilliate link. You may also employ the use of search engines to find other free ways to advertise your business. Simply type in "free advertising methods" in the search engine of your choice and you are bound to find plenty of options!

The importance of maintaining an Executive Affiliate (EA) status with SFI is simply that you DOUBLE your customer commissions and become eligible for bonus and override commissions

By simply accumulating 1500 VersaPoints in a one month period, you become an EA and are entitiled to all the associated benefits for that month!  This can be accomplished with just one or two customer sales a month. TripleClicks has many items with various amounts of  VersaPoints attached to offer your potential customers and prospects!

While starting a business for free is a bit more difficult than starting one with some out-of-pocket expenses, it can be done if you are persistant, diligent and willing to put the time into it. Work closely with your Sponsor, emply the free advertising methods they recommend to you and find some of your own. In time, you will be on your way to financial freedom!

To YOUR Success,
Carrie Medford
Aim High - Dream Big Team Leader